Monday, January 21, 2013

I was Nominated :) By

Haha Just found it Erica, took me forever lol. I'm hardly on blogger anymore as you can tell lol. I think you've probably lost more weight than I have, I've put back on thirty :( Since Octoberish. But working to take those back off.

...My 5 Questions...
..If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
If you'd have asked me a year ago I'd say Africa but now I'd say Philly :D
..What is your favorite recipe?
Um that's a hard one, I recently found a recipe for lasagna and it was amazing so I'll say that one, I can't remember where I got it from though lol.
..Are you a morning person?
Eh it depends lol, I get up at 6:45 though
..Favorite quote from a movie?
oh goodness lol that is a hard one lol The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming!
Harvey Dent
..What is your favorite nail polish color?
um if I ever wear it it's usually a pinkish color, but I don't wear nail polish much lol

Um I'll go against the grain and not nominate anyone lol

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