Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Happily Ever After

I can't say it was love at first tweet, but I knew there is something special about this man, his tweets are spot on, he loves the Lord, he loves church. I believe he followed me first. I checked out his twitter account and agreed with what he tweets and loved what he was tweeting so I followed him, I'm so glad that I did. One day I saw a picture of him (a new profile pic on twitter) with one of his young kids and I decided to ask him via DM how old he was since he looked like a youth himself. That started it all, I found him on Facebook where he gave me his number if I needed to reach him quickly for prayer or anything. We started texting off and on for months, then every day we'd text. I didn't expect it to come this far but I'm glad it has. I liked him since we started to text. My best friend at the time told me that if I wanted Robert that I should pray about him and I could have him, that it wouldn't be hard or something close to this I can't recall the actual wording he used. Robert has become my best friend, my person I confide in, I trust him completely. through talking to my dad and his friends they convinced me to let him call me, and after awhile I did and yes I was nervous but I loved it so much we now talk practically daily and I so enjoy his calls, on occasions he asks me what if questions, like what if we ended up together what would you do as a pastor's wife, etc. we Skype as well and that is interesting lol adds a whole new view to him, I actually get to see the man who I love and he can see me. I believe without a doubt that I've met the one I'm to marry one day :) and God arranged it all :) we are now boyfriend and girlfriend and what I thought before to be us acting as more than friends was just a taste of how he really is now that he is my boyfriend. He is the best thing that has happened to my life, outside of my salvation and God's calling on my life. He makes me feel so special, he makes me smile even if I'm having a rough day, he makes me laugh, even at myself (well that's happened while we were on Skype) I can not wait to see what God has instore for us but I'm sure it will be fun filled, laughter filled, love filled- my happily ever after!


  1. I'm so happy for you! I've been watching on FB and seeing how he kept commenting on your posts and things so I kinda thought something was up ;) But I'll keep praying and I know the Lord will lead you both if you'll just trust Him :) And btw...I tagged you in a post for the Liebster awards [before you posted this lol!] and so if you'd like to participate, check out the post to see how! :D

    1. :) lol yeah he's a sweet man :) a Godly man. Thank you so much for the prayers. I didn't notice the Liebster awards, I havent found it on my profile and I um never heard of them before you just said something lol
