Thursday, April 21, 2011

Purity: Learn From My Mistake.

When I was 18 I had my first kiss with a guy who was my best friend.  I regretted it a few months later, along with the friendship with the boy I had the kiss with, well I should say kisses to be truthful.  I got right with the Lord that summer at youth camp.  When I was 13 or so I decided that I would wait till my wedding day to even hold hands with a boy or kiss a boy, to save everything for that one special man God would put into my life.

Things happened my senior year of High School, yes I went to a public high school and had some questionable friends, but I had a myspace account and I had added my best girl friend on there, and then this boy named Aaron asked me to be his friend and so I did, fast forward a few months and I find out my best girl friend made up the boy and back-stabbed me in essence.  I had a best guy friend at the time as well.  I turned to him when I found out that she was lying to me the whole time.  If I have one thing important to say through all of this it's this; when something happens in your life that hurts you, don't run to your best guy friend, run to your pastor's wife or youth pastor's wife or a lady that you trust, if you run to your best guy friend you will end up with regrets 9 times out of 10, take my life as an example.  A few weeks before my best guy friend tried to kiss me when I was texting a friend, and i didn't even know it till he said something, and even by then my standards were slipping in regards to purity.  I was flirting, and I didn't even care.  This day my best guy friend and I skipped class together and went to the choir ensemble room and sat in the dark.  another thing is, don't go to dark places alone with a guy, it leads to trouble.  He tried to kiss me that day and stopped before he did and he commented about it and I told him I didn't even care that day and so he kissed me.  I look back on that day with regret.  that wasn't the only kiss he gave me, or that i gave him, though i wish it were.  I still have my purity as the world would call purity, but I don't have some of the things that I was saving for my future husband.

My biggest regret in all of this is that I didn't flee temptations, the Bible tells us to flee youthful lusts, and i didn't do that.  I put myself into a place where temptations WERE going to arise NO MATTER WHAT.  if you are alone in a dark room with a boy you better believe something will try to happen, and it may not just be a kiss.

Learn from me!  Don't skip class with a boy, don't give away your firsts.  Save them for the man God has for you.  It will be so much more special.

I have remade my commitments, and though I can never get my first kiss back, I know the only person I will ever kiss again is my husband, who ever he may be.  I want my husband and my first kiss to happen at the wedding altar when the Pastor says to my husband "You may now kiss the bride." and not a second sooner.

Purity isn't the easiest thing to keep, it is too easy to lose, but it is so worth keeping it and protecting it.  Your future spouse will thank you for keeping it.

IF YOU'VE ALREADY LOST YOUR PURITY it is NOT too late!!!!  Repent of your sins and make a commitment today to keep yourself pure till your marriage.

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