Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thank You Lord!!

    I've just had this song on my mind just now!  I've only heard it one time that I can recall and it has really stuck to my mind!!
    Thank You Lord For making the sun to shine putting the stars in the sky For the flowers that bloom, the ocean so blue thank you Lord For every sparrow that sings and makes sweet melody For the River that flows the rain and the snow thank you Lord 
     I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord For everything you've done for me thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord For making me whole, saving my soul thank you Lord
    For my whole family, For the joy my children bring For shoes on our feet, plenty to eat thank you Lord For the church where I worship and pray, For the freedom I have today For your spirit I feel presence so real thank you Lord
     For making me whole, saving my soul thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord For everything you've done for me thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord
    For being a friend so dear, Giving my sad heart cheer For holding my hand when I could not stand thank you Lord For giving your life for me on a cross at calvary For taking my place, mercy and grace thank you Lord
    I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord For everything you've done for me thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord I just want to thank you Lord For making me whole, saving my soul thank you Lord!

I am so glad that I have a Father up in Heaven who loves me so much that He sent Jesus, His only Begotten Son to die for me, before I even was born He did that, I can not thank Him enough for that!  I believe 100% that if I was the ONLY person to grace this earth that He still would have sent Jesus to die for me.

I just want to thank the Lord for the friends and family that He has given to me!  God is so good to me, I do not deserve one iota of what He has given to me.  My friends He has allowed into my life mean a lot to me, I don't know what I'd do without them,  they are blessings from God.  Yes, at times we all have disagreements but thanks to the Lord they don't last long :-)

I'm thankful for the church God has put in my town, the only one in Kerrville that stands for Truth and on Truth and preaches from the King James Bible!!

I'm thankful, and honoured, that God has called me to be a missionary.  God didn't have to call me, but He did and I am thankful, but now I have to start being the missionary now before I can get to wherever He leads because honestly right now I'm in my mission field.John 4:35" Say not ye, There are yet four months, and [then] cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."  Mat 9:37-38"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly [is] plenteous, but the labourers [are] few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."

There are truly too many things to write that I'm thankful to the Lord for.  Every sparrow that sings, every beautiful sunset, every sunrise, every time God grants me mercy and spares me from a car accident, and for 5 months He has done just that because my glasses frames were too thick on the sides and my peripheral vision was impaired because of that God granted me mercy and grace and spared me many of accidents.  I could go on for days counting my blessings because truly I have so much to be thankful for.  I'm thankful for the King James Bible, for being born in America, freedom is not free, I'm thankful for all those who have fought for our freedoms here in America and for all those who have fought for the Lord, for those who despite persecutions did what the Lord would have them to do.

I don't know how to end my first post ever lol.  so I guess I'll say that's it for this post. lol

God bless!!

Mandy Marie

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