Sunday, August 7, 2011

Youth Conference

Youth Conference was so much fun this week, I miss it so much now though!  I miss Heartland and SouthWest Baptist Church.  The day after we came home depression and discouragement hit me kinda hard. I know that the discouragement was from the devil, but the depression was from not being at youth conference anymore.  We were on a "spiritual high" if you will and we came down off of that high and it's shocking, they always warn you about it before they pray and dismiss but you are never truly ready for it.  There's not any way to successfully prepare for it.  Once you get home your commitments get tested, one of mine is to pass out tracts in my neighborhood and try to get something set up for soulwinning in our church, if that means just suggesting it or asking why we don't do it anymore then I'll do it.  But I have to find the right time to ask all of this.  I have to find someone to go with me passing out tracts in my neighborhood because you know as well as I do, it's not safe for a single young lady (21 years old, but still a young lady) to go alone out passing out tracts, and inviting people to church, it's just not safe.

Pastor Kurt Skelly and Brother TJ Wilder was a blessing to my soul with their preaching, as was Brother Jason Gaddis.  They all laid great, thought provoking messages upon our hearts and minds.

I pray that God gives me the strength to do what He wants me to do, and the things that He has shown me He wants me to do.  I know one thing He has showed me is to be still and know that He is God.  Other things that He's shown me is that to Trust Him and not to lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct my paths.  To delight myself in Him and He'll give me the desires of my heart.

As we delight in God and get closer to Him, our desires change, they become the same desires that God has had for us from the beginning.  That verse is Psalm 37:4 that I'm talking about.

I pray that God gets ahold of our youth group, they are too close to the world and it shows in their walk and talk.  I don't see much fruit in their lives, we need our youth to get on fire for God.

Our church needs to get back to soul winning and visitation, and not just let our pastor do it.  We can't make our pastor soul win for us, we're all commanded to do that.  It doesn't say Pastor go out to the high ways and hedges and compel them that they make come in that My house may be filled, it's told to everyone. the Great Commission is for everyone, not just the Pastor.

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