Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update :)

I'm happy to say that the scale is moving again :) Lowest this week was 191.4, but I'm back up to 192.8 but so glad to be going in the right direction (for the most part lol) again :D

I finish Insanity: the Asylum on the 16th of this month :) then going to do another round of Insanity. I was going to do a hybrid of the two but decided to do the 2nd round instead and do a hybrid another time lol.

Started at the gym this week, been fun, and I believe that has helped me to lose weight again :D

Well I guess I better get, got a gym workout to do once mom gets home from work, just finished Asylum: Strength

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Don't give up on your weight loss - it's hard work but you can do it! I was 135 for the longest time, and then I started walking and eating vegan, and now I'm 105! :)
    Wonderful blog! :)
    With love in Christ,
