Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amazing Grace

God is so gracious and full of mercy.  He saved a wretch when He saved me.  He still forgives me when I backslide and sin again.
Amazing Grace how SWEET the sound that
saved a WRETCH like me
I once was LOST but now am FOUND
was BLIND but now I SEE!

I know that once I got saved that I could NEVER lose my salvation, Praise God, but that doesn't mean that I'm immune to sin, no it means that the devil, satan, will try his best to get my testimony because he can't have my soul and he hates that so he trys to mud up my testimony so that I can't be of any use to God.  he is like a lion, serpent, and so many other things.  he thinks he has a big roar, and he does, but if we go after him in JESUS name we will TRIUMPH because JESUS alone can defeat the enemy, satan HATES Jesus, he hates everything about Him.  the devil is afraid of Him.

I know that the backsliding that has happened in my life recently can help someone else, I know that God can use my sinfulness to help some other sinner who went through the same backsliding I did.  Backsliding doesn't just appear out of nowhere, and neither does sin, it all starts in the heart/thoughts then it leads to actions.  My backsliding started in my thoughts and in my heart and then it became actions but were covered by a facade that was infront of others, only God, me, and a few people knew about my backsliding and that was fine by me. not that i was okay that God knew or that I was not under conviction because I was but I was refusing to heed the conviction.

Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
Have you sins that to men’s eyes are hidden?
Tell it to Jesus alone.

I had sins that to men's eyes were hidden but there was One that knew about them the whole time, even before the few that knew about it did, and that is Jesus.  In times past I had gone to Him with them and gained the victory but I didn't watch guard and the devil got a place in, and Ephesians 4:27 tells us Neither give place to the devil.  I was doing just that but I didn't let myself see that, I did not want to see that, I was having fun in my sin, but the Bible says in Hebrews 11 that sin is only fun for a season (than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Hebrews 11:25b)

But thanks be to God who led my dear friend to talk to me in the middle of the night and voice his concern over my waywardness and through God leading my friend I got right with the Lord and have stayed right with God for 15 days and counting.  I have the Joy of the Lord back in my heart and I am so glad that I got right.

Sin is only fun for a season, but you don't take into count the depression, the guilt, the hurt, the harm done to your testimony and others, you don't see that you see the fun, the enjoyment, but not the bad side.  

Praise the Lord for the friends He has given you, the ones that are willing to sacrifice some sleep to tell you you need to get right with God.  He has blessed me with a wonderful friend just like that and I thank the Lord for that friend.

I don't know how to end this post, so I'll just end it here lol.

God bless,
Mandy Marie

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