Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guarding Our Eyes

I have noticed something in my life lately.  When I go to the store I can not but notice all the nice looking, attractive guys at the store.  I wonder if he is single, or if he's married, this does not happen every single time the wondering about his status, but it does happen.  But the noticing of the guys happens on a too regular basis.

Yes, God created the woman to notice the man, but we need to watch our eyes, guard them, because if we lust after them, wondering ohh i think that guy is so handsome, i wonder if he noticed me, it can verge on the point of us lusting after them in our heart, and God tells us that that is adultery in Matthew 5:28, yes the verse talks about if a man looks upon a woman with lust he is committing adultery in his heart with her but i believe the opposite of the verse to be EQUALLY true!

I've noticed that when I do notice a certain guy that I try to get his attention subtilly with body language or something close to that, maybe it is just in the way i stand.  I know that is wrong and I have to fix this, I do not want to cause a brother in Christ to stumble, and I don't won't a lost person to look at me in a way that I would be causing him to sin.  I want to be an example of purity to all those around me.  That does not happen 100% of the time, but I do know it happens more often than not.

I know that I won't have to look and see if every guy is the "one" for me, I know that God will guide us together and I will just know that he is the one, I won't have to question/wonder about his relationship status, or how he looks because I know that beauty is vain, or in this case handsomeness is vain (lol)  and as we grow older we don't look the same and we should love what is on the INSIDE more than what is on the OUTSIDE, we should strive to love the inner man more than the outward, physical man.

I've been reading out of Genesis today, Chapters 1-3 and that thought came to me within about 10 verses in Chapter 1. lol.  even though Genesis 1 has almost nothing to do with mates lol, especially the portion I was in lol.

What God first showed me, well really brought to remembrance a message my Pastor preached some months ago, was that this world tells us it is the MORNING and EVENING that makes up a day but GOD says that it is the EVENING and the MORNING that makes up the day.  I think that that parallels with salvation in that we are born in the DARKNESS (EVENING) of sin and when we get born again we are born into the BRIGHTNESS (MORNING) of new life in Christ Jesus. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

Over in Genesis 1:26-27 God tells us that we are created in His image, we need to live like it and LOOK like it!!  Before we ever step out our front doors we should STOP and look at how we are dressed and say Does what I am wearing GLORIFY GOD or does it glorify ME? If it glorifies God go out the door and if it glorifies me then go ask forgiveness and change outfits.  1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whether therefore ye eat, or ye drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

Are we being a good, faithful steward over what God has given us? Genesis 2:15

God didn't tell Adam that he would physically die the moment he ate it, but He did tell him thou shalt surely die- it was 1st a spiritual death, it broke fellowship between him and God, and later on in life it was a physical death. Genesis 2:17

Often times we are not ashamed of our sins until someone points them out to us with God's Word.  Unless the Holy Spirit comes and convicts us of sin we would not be ashamed of our sins.  Some people are not ashamed of their sin, but one day they will be and it will be too late.  Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.....

Satan comes to us in subtil ways sometimes and he questions what God has told us.  Don't give in to him!!!  Stand Firm in what God has convicted you about and showed you!!  Stand firm on that King James Bible, stand firm on Separation, stand firm on Salvation, and all those other doctrines, Stand firm in your conviction that women should not wear pants or anything that a man wears, stand firm on that good, solid Christian Christ-honouring music (not that CCM music, like Christian Rock that is an oxymoron if I ever saw one)  You can not put Christ uplifting words to a worldly beat and get a Christ-honouring song I am sorry but that is TRUTH!!!

Don't add on to what God has said either, that is sin and it is unwise, Eve did that when she answered the serpent and told him "neither shall ye touch it"  her first mistake was talking with the serpent in the 1st place, second was adding on to God's Words.

Her downfall was Lust (she lusted after the fruit that the serpent told her would make her like a god (a little g god) it was a "tree to be desired to make one wise", then it was Sin "she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat" and the old adage is misery loves company "and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."  Christian LSD- James 1:15  Genesis 3:6

Then their eyes were opened to their sin and they tried to hide it, and hide from God, but my friend they could not hide from God.  They tried to clothe themselves with fig leaves, which is a symbolism of works salvation, but that could not hide their sins or cover themselves.  God knew exactly where they were spiritually and physically.  They played the blame game and that will not work with God, we all must give an account to God one day so don't be blaming anyone else for the sins that you have committed!!  In Genesis 3:21 God made coats of skins and clothed them.  That is, to me at least, the first sacrifice because Blood had to be shed to get those coats of skins, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.  God made provision for Adam and Eve, He saved them and He covered them.  He sent them away out of the garden of Eden to protect them from the tree of life.

Well that is all for now, that's all I got so far out of my beginning of Genesis today lol, I know this is a long post but I pray it is helpful to someone!

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