Sunday, May 1, 2011

Godly Friends Are Hard To Come By

Today I'm reminded of how good God has been to me.  He has allowed one of my good friends into my life.  He has used my good friend to rebuke me in the Lord and I needed it.  God puts people into our lives for a reason, there is never a time when God puts someone into someone's life without a purpose.

In high school a boy named Robby was put into my life to show me that I can't stay pure by myself- I did not give him my full purity, but that is not the point.  God put him in my life to show me that I have to be careful who I pick as friends.  He put Brianna in my life to show me that I can't trust every one who says they are my friend, that I can't trust every person I meet online because they may very well be fake and not real.

God put my good friend in my life to direct me in the right way and to help me through some rough times, a person to talk to.  He, my friend, is a great guy and I know that God has a purpose for him being in my life. I owe a lot to him because he has been such a great friend to me.  I was really stupid today and got the much needed rebuke from him and that's what i call a true friend.  A true friend is one that tells you the truth, Biblically based truth, even though they know deep within that the person probably will not receive it the way that they should.  I could have gotten mad at my friend today, but you know what?  I know that he is right and God used him to show me that i was wrong.  Do I automatically stop being upset with him because I know he is speaking the truth? I should, but does that always happen? nope.  Did it happen today? over the course of a few minutes yes.  Now do I wonder if me and him are okay? Yes I do.  I don't want to lose such a good friend that God has given me because of me being so STUPID!! But do I deserve it? Yup.

Thank You for being such a good friend, if you are reading this you know who you are :-) and I'm truly sorry for being so stupid!!! I pray that you forgive me.

God bless!
Mandy Marie

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