Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Africa- September 14, 2010

The book I talk about in the 1st paragraph is Sam the Sergeant, in the book he turns out to be called to Africa and the girl he is to marry, whom God betrothed him to, is surrendered to go to Africa as well.
I feel conviction upon my heart, i`ve been feeling it during the last half of the book i was reading. Im not sure what all its about though.

i know i need to not compromise, not to give in.

Back in the day i see missionary videos from like africa and it would make me tear up just seeing those kids whose parents had aids and died and they had become orphans and its just sad. I remember 1 picture in particular, it was a little boy who had lost his arm. His parents had aids and i think he did too because his mom had it and how sad it was, even know it brings tears to my eyes. I used to think maybe God was calling me to africa because when i`d see those slides it would move my heart. But i thought later on that it was a thing that mandy wanted to do, and not one of God gave it to me. I thought maybe God wanted me to go to america this past year, but im not sure about that. Im just confused.
During the service bro copeland had a boy go up to the platform and he did some things and then he dreamed about his future and said you could be a pastor, something else that i cant remember, or a missionary to africa.

I dont know if that was God`s answer to me or not, but i asked God to make His will clear to me and if He has to hit me over the head wiith it that`s okay with me lol
Around the Globe: that was the theme for the youth conference this year. they had to carry bags around on their back while they did the games or whatnot the competitions, and they went to Egypt, China and i think 1 other place and the ones who won were the ones who took off the extra baggage. there were a few people that didnt take off the baggage, they were asked to take it out and show what was in the bags one had sports equipment and another team had hairdryers and stuff to make you look pretty. i liked that skit, i could see the moral of it before brother Ted Inman said waht it was.
Lately it seems like I've been seeing Africa everywhere, it started before youth conference but not too much, but i've been seeing all these shows on tv that are about african animals in africa, my pastor went out of town yesterday after church and brother chase was preaching and in his message he mentioned sudan and the slavery there, tonight on the news they were talking about hurricane danielle and said it's more close to africa than to the us right now. it just seems like africa is everywhere. when i first told mom about me surrendering me to be a missionary she pictured me going to africa (cuz in her mind that's where all the missionaries go). In my Junior year in my goals essay we had to tell the place we wanted to live and what we would be doing in 10 years from now and guess where i placed myself being a missionary to? you guessed it---- Africa. I am not sure if God is trying to tell me through all of this that Africa is really where He wants/ed me to go or not. but it sure seems like Africa is everywhere i look. it's in the song Bury my heart on the Mission field Lord even though africa is not anywhere mentioned in that song. Grams told me the day after I got back from youth conference that there were 10 missionaries killed in Africa because they were carrying their Bible and the africans thought they were trying to convert them and my first thought besides that's sad is someone has to replace them. Brother Cecil Ballard told us when he was preaching at Pot-O-Gold Youth camp in 02 that who is going to fill their shoes? He had had all the preachers and their wives come up to the stage and take their shoes off and then he said who is going to fill their shoes and in my heart i felt like if i dont who will? What if God is calling me to Africa? I think it would be neat yes, but it's awful scary if you think about it, those 10 missionaries died because they were sharing their faith (i'm not sure who they were or what faith they were) what if that were to happen to me? but the Bible tells us in John 12:25 "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." that's not the verse i'm thinking of lol wait a second let me find it. Here we go: Matthew 10:39 "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." I'm not sure how that fits in there for comfort but that's what came to mind when i thought of what if that were to happen to me, that i get murdered for sharing the Gospel in africa if that is truly where God wants me to go. But you know what if I am called to africa and God decides to let me get murdered for sharing the glorious Gospel and even 1 soul gets saved it will be worth it all because Heaven rejoices over 1 sinner that gets saved.
It's in the commercials for Johnson and Johnson talking about Kenya or Sudan or something like that, they said that it created jobs here and back home, I thought they meant home was Africa and here was the US. They mentioned Hurricane Earl being close to Africa in the news.
1 Chronicles 28:20 And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do [it]: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, [even] my God, [will be] with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.
This verse God really spoke to me this morning when i was reading my bible. It's the verse He used to call me to Africa. I prayed and asked Him to show me if He really is calling me to Africa and He said I want you to go to Africa.

In my junior year of High School people came to our US History class and told us about the Invisible Children in Uganda and Sudan.

Brother Chase told us about how they burn crops in Africa for a split second in a message he preached while pastor was gone.

Mrs Martin told us in Sunday school this morning(9/5/10) that we don’t have to go to Africa just surrender to it if God has asked you to, we were talking about Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham was told by God to sacrifice Isaac his only son.  She said we don’t have to go to Timbuktu, a place in Africa, and never see our mom and dad again, just surrender to go.  lol

Mrs Chase was talking about a book by Mrs Pearl about a helpmeet for him or something along that line and said something about your husband could be a visionary man who could up and go to Africa one month and then 2 months later go somewhere else, and she said some other things about the book as well.

There has been so much more Africa in my past that I cant even write it all down, and I am very sure that there will be more Africa in my future as well.

Missionary David Livingstone- heart buried in Africa.

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