Thursday, July 14, 2011

Job, Bible College, and Laptop

Today I got the desire to get a new laptop when I had the money, but then I realized that this one that I have right now is still working, the spring has sprung on the left mouse button but other than that it is ay oh kay. So I decided that once I save enough money for Bible College that I will take and get me a new laptop that I will use during my time there, hopefully Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City if they accept me, I know that my Pastor would be okay with that school already.

Job:  My family and I are looking into seeing if I can get paid by the state or whoever does pay family members who stay home and care for their sick/bedridden, ect. family members, and if I were to get paid for doing that in 1 years time frame I would be able to go to Bible College for 2 years almost, that is with giving my Tithes and Missions and paying my phone bill and all the other needs I need plus a little money for me, but saving some money.  But if I can't get that then I have peace about getting a job outside of the house, though I don't like the thought of what it would do to my family, but God has called me to missions and I can not learn to be a helpmeet to my husband just sitting here at home, I wouldn't know the first thing to do if I were in a foreign field trying to start a church with my husband, whomever he may be, from scratch, I need to learn that kinda thing, sure I know the basics of a family, but I don't know all that I need to know just from staying at home, and I know that God can send me my husband here in my little town but I haven't seen it yet, so I know that I need to go off to Bible College, as I've felt that was God's will for some time now, though my desire comes and goes.

Bible College:  I feel my desire to go to Heartland coming back, in full swing, I know how hard it will be to leave once Youth Conference is over when we go up there, I already am filled with joy as I think about it and about how I could quite possibly be there in the space of a year, I have this desire that I know satan will try to pull away from me through discouragement and discontentment in the things I have because he has done that to me before, but this time with the Lord's help I will stay strong with my commitments and I really want to go to Bible College next fall, this fall is out of the question, though I wish it were not!  If I had the money I could start in January, but I would like to start in the fall.

Please pray for me as I seek God's will in these areas, of Bible College and a job.

Thank you!!!

God Bless!
Mandy Marie

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