Thursday, July 7, 2011

God's Cure For Loneliness

Once again today I found myself in a state of loneliness, feeling alone.  I go through states of loneliness off and on. But today was different. Today I found the answer for why I get lonely and that is because of satan.  I have gained victory in one area of my life and he knows that the temptations he brings about in front of me is not working so he tries to go to another area in my life to try and make me slip up there.  The area he tried today is loneliness.  God showed me that today.  Now that I know what satan is trying to use to slip me up in my walk with God I can watch out for it, and then the cure for loneliness is none other than God's Word.  I went to God's Word to cure my loneliness, I had only read a chapter of Proverbs this morning because I was really tired and I told God that I"d read more later on today.  I had gotten caught up in the day and satan came'a knockin and he was trying to get me down, and was succeeding, he was telling me things like now all your friends are serving God and you're all alone.  I know that God is working in my friend's lives, and He is working in my life too (for which I am glad).  I know that what satan told me was a LIE and will always be a LIE.  The Bible calls satan the father of all lies, so why would I be surprised to find out that he would lie to me?  I know that I am never alone, after I got saved I have never been alone.  Jesus Christ is with me all the time, the Holy Spirit lives inside of me.  I can always run to the Father and cling to Him and get the comfort I need, the encouragement that I need.  When I go through loneliness there are other feelings/things that come along with it. 1. Discontentment and 2. Discouragement  I get discontent in where God has me and I get discouraged with that as well.  I get discontent in my friendships, in my relationships that i may have, I get discouraged in what I"m doing for the Lord, that the little things are not big enough, but I fail to realize that Little is MUCH if God is in it!  Friends, our labour is not in vain in the Lord.  That is one thing that God showed me in my reading this afternoon in Philippians.  I went to Philippians because I remembered that my Pastor said if you're ever going through a hard time or are depressed go to Philippians it will lift your soul so that is what I did.

Isn't God good?!?

I Pray that what God showed me was a blessing to you.

God bless
Mandy Marie

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