Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Evaristo and Salvation

My Grams is on hospice care and she has people come to the house, Evaristo and Martha.

Thursday Evaristo came over, he helps my grams M-W-F, he came over to get our old water heater and to talk with my grams, Wednesday the nurse came and did vitals and whatnot and grams' heart beat was a little more irregular, the nurse shared that with Evaristo and it bothered him, cuz he likes my grams and he doesn't like it when his patients die and whatnot (he's a CNA).  He made a statement about how he hopes that his good outweighs the bad so he'll go to heaven and my grams told him i'm sure it will.  That right there burdened my heart.  I knew he was not saved.  God burdened my heart to write him a letter explaining salvation to him and adding 2 tracts in it (one is a cartoon form and the other was a just written form).  I explained that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, that we don't go to heaven by anything that we have done.  and I gave him the letter on Friday after praying over it, praying that God saves Evaristo and things along that nature, but I was worried about his reaction.  I tweeted something about it and my friend tweeted back and said God's Word never returns void, and that gave me comfort.  Monday he came in and he seemed like he was under conviction, on his way out (grams had no idea that i had given him a letter) he said thank you Mandy for the letter it was very enlightening.  Grams asked what did i tell him in the letter and I said I thanked him for caring for you and I explained salvation to him. and she said that's nice, or something along that line.  I shared with Mrs Martin last night what I did and she thought I did the right thing and that I should invite him to church or if he didn't mind if Pastor came out to see him or whatnot, I believe Evaristo is Catholic.  Today Grams was upset about it, that I shouldn't have given him that letter that I had no right to judge if he was saved or not and just things like that.  that she has to straighten it all out now because he looked upset about it (which to me that looked like conviction) she told me that I'm pushing away people from Christ, turning them away.  We aren't to judge and whatnot.  But I know that I did the right thing, that God impressed upon my heart to do that, He burdened my heart about it. And I have learned the hard way that if you don't do God's will, what He has burdened your heart you end up with no peace and no joy among other things, so I obeyed God's burden He placed upon my heart.  Grams said today that you witness when your on a witnessing field, and my mind went straight to the saying that once you step outside those church doors you are in your mission field.  Grams said he doesn't come here for that, but the woman at the well didn't come for salvation yet she left with it.  Christ meets you in the way.  If no one witnessed at times that weren't appointed to witness at then no one would get saved.

Please pray for Evaristo, Andrew (his son who is about 3ish), and Cindy his wife that they get saved.  Pray that grams heart opens up and if she isn't saved that she gets saved.  With the way she talks and acts I do not believe that she is saved.

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